Our goals

The Argentinian Association for Mental Health is a scientific, academic, ethical and non-profit institution, independent of all political parties, scientific schools, philosophical or religious belief.

Our goals:

  • To ensure unity and cooperation among physicians devoted to all the Mental Health fields.
  • To foster Mental Health and contribute to its progress and dissemination in the country through the organization and implementation of academic and scientific activities, both at professional and at community level, in the country and overseas.
  • To promote research, prevention and treatment of Mental Health as well as the good mental health of the population.
  • To encourage the application of the Mental Health know-how to other fields in Medicine for the welfare of the nation.
  • To boost interest and advancement in Mental Health at universities, general and specialized hospitals, any other institution related to Mental Health in all its aspects (biological, social, anthropological, educational, work and legal)
  • To focus its scientific activities on the study of national problems of Mental Health.
  • To organize activities directed to both national and international scientific exchange.
  • To council both public and private organisms in Mental Health issues whenever suitable.
  • To sponsor the development of affiliates in other parts of the country and in the centres where Mental Health specialists work.
  • To foster the creation of study and investigation groups among its members in specific areas of Mental Health, creating thereof Chapters in the Association.